So, wearing a bikini is immoral, but beating up an innocent woman is not, seems to be the sentiment on social media, after a French woman is beaten for indecently exposing herself, (in a bikini) on the beach.
Loony lefties should probably pass the memo on to this gang of Muslim women in France who decided to beat the snot out of a woman for wearing a bikini in a park, because I don’t think they understand the false narrative progressives are trying to establish.
Nothing screams peace and tolerance like a good old fashioned beat down.
Well, the victim in this case is fighting back against these thugs in a HUGE way.
Young Conservatives have compiled a smattering of social media push back. Here is how women around the world are reacting to this attack.
From IJReview:
Outraged women have swarmed social media to protest that a mob of females had beat a woman for wearing a bikini.
Breitbart News reports the attack took place Wednesday at a public park — Parc Leo-Lagrange — in Reims, France.
In a burst of outrage reminiscent of the #JeSuisCharlie movement following the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack, many took to Twitter to post photos of bikini-wearing women using the hashtag #jeportemonmaillotauParcLeo:
And more:
The Daily Mail reports the 16- to 24-year-olds were from a nearby housing project with “large Muslim populations” and picked a fight with their 21-year-old victim by stating:
“Get dressed, it’s not summer.”
But the Mayor of Reims is urging people not to jump to conclusions about the motivation for the attack, according to UK Independent:
“We have to be very careful not to jump to conclusions. All the same, I can understand why people have assumed that this attack had religious motives. If that turns out to be the case, it is a very serious incident.”
Apparently the beating was severe and the woman has not yet been able to return to work:
Apparently the victim was so badly hurt she has not returned to work.
Local police are saying the attack is not religiously motivated, but I’m not buying what they’re selling.
You know, if Muslims have such a big problem with women’s attire in a specific country, they might consider living somewhere else where the values upheld in the nation are close to their own.
Radical thought, right?
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