Many Americans were frustrated when Hillary Clinton escaped from the Benghazi hearings unscathed. Then, equally upsetting, she wasn’t charged for “Emailgate.” Just when it was starting to look like nothing could touch her, House Republicans reveal the ace up their sleeve, and it looks like Hillary might finally get what she deserves. It will be her third strike in a year, and it should finally put her out of the game for good.
According to Real Clear Politics, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) sent a letter to U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Channing Phillips in which they cited multiple examples where Hillary Clinton’s sworn testimony before Congress contradicts with evidence found during the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) investigation into the Secretary’s private email server.
This letter is in response to one that Chaffetz and Goodlatte received from the U.S. Department of Justice, which basically blew them off after they requested that Hillary’s previous under oath testimony be examined more closely. The following is a brief excerpt from the full letter to Phillips.
The evidence collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system during her time as Secretary of State appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony,which are described in greater detail below.