FBI: Hillary Clinton Lost Blackberrys With Confidential Information


In a troubling new development, we have now found out that Hillary Clinton lost not one but several phones with classified information in them.  These devices have never been accounted for.  that is a whole in security you can drive a truck through.  The losses were rvealed after the FBI released documents on their investigation into Hillary’s emails.

“[Huma] Abedin and [former Clinton aide Monica] Hanley indicated the whereabouts of Clinton’s [mobile] devices would frequently become unknown once she transitioned to a new device.”

At other times devices were broken in half and smashed with hammers.  The fact that staffers tried to destroy those devices seem to prove that they were well aware that the devices contained sensitive information.  James Comey, in his remarks about the FBI investigation, he stated that there were classified documents and that both Hillary and her top staff should have been well aware of their classification.

When old devices are no longer in use, there are specific steps that must be taken when those devices contain classified information.  That was not done.  All told, Clinton used a total of 13 devices, 11 while Secretary of State and 2 thereafter.  The FBI tried to get possession of all 13.  devices.  Two were destroyed and the other 11 are missing.  Hillary Clinton told the FBI that she did not any device while traveling.  And we all know she never lies.

From Breitbart News:

When old devices containing government documents are to be destroyed, there are precise procedures to be followed, especially if the devices are storing classified information that could endanger national security in the wrong hands.

Presumably, if Clinton’s old smartphones were lost, the information in her emails would be accessible to whoever had found them or obtained them by other means.

Comey indicated that Clinton’s use of private e-mail had indeed posed a risk of being hacked by hostile powers during her travel abroad. Her cell phones certainly would have been a prime target for foreign spies.

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