• September 7, 2024

Haven’t You Always Wanted To Leave A Note Like This For Your Boss? This Intern Did!

I don’t recommend this, as this type of behavior tends to follow you for longer than you think, but who hasn’t fantasized about leaving a note like this for their boss at one time or another?

This intern must have really hated his work placement.

The note was scribbled inside a pad of Post-It notes after the intern was sent out on an errand to, you guessed it, buy Post-It Notes.


He put he note mid-way through the pad, so his boss would only find it after he had completed his allotted time at the unnamed firm. Also, probably giving him enough time to regret his decision. We can’t imagine he’ll be getting a glowing reference any time soon.

It starts out all innocent, but get’s pretty angry pretty quick.



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