Here We Go Again: Ferguson Protesters Riot And Loot After Mike Brown Memorial Burned…

Never mind the fact that a candle left at the memorial was responsible for it catching fire.
Never mind the fact that a candle left at the memorial was responsible for it catching fire.


Dear God in heaven, people have lost their minds…

Demonstrators and police officers faced off in Ferguson again overnight.

At one point, an estimated 150 to 200 demonstrators were on West Florissant.

Shots were heard, but no one was hit. Then looters hit the Beauty Town store for a third time in just over a month.

Juan Santos works at the store which had hung a sign reading, “Beauty Town is Back,” and is now boarded up again.

“We’re just gonna board it back again, and just go on,” he says.

Fires were set, but did little damage, at the Whistle Stop in the old train station on Florissant Road and the auto repair shop on Chambers that works on police cars.

A half-dozen protesters were arrested after some threw rocks and bottles at police who tried to clear West Florissant.

H/T: RedFlag News

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