Let me start by saying this; do I hate Hillary Clinton, no I do not hate, but I do dislike and distrust everything she has done for the past 30 years. She was at the fore front of political correctness to federalized healthcare and all its corruption of the highest order. Now; the concerns about her health are manifesting, and quite frankly, I see a person with no strength to take on the position of the presidency, evidenced by all the information coming out, if she were to be elected. Further more, I could not fathom her completing a term
Hillary Clinton has had at least six of these public coughing fits since the campaign started. Most of them did not take place during “allergy season.” And there is never any sneezing that accompanies the cough which is a good indicator the problem is not allergies. And if allergies were actually an issue, she’d take a megadose of Benadryl or other antihistamine before these public appearances. All this signs says this is a symptom of a much deeper health problem that she is trying to disguise. (My best guess is that the cough is a side-effect of industrial strength ACE inhibitors she takes to manage the raging hypertension that caused here “minor” strokes.)Hillary Clinton is an old, sick woman and even the minor stresses of a non-competitive primary are wearing her down. If she does win the primary, the general campaign will exhaust her and the odds of her being able to cope with the demands of the presidency approach zero.
One more log on the fire for the Democrats; I will find it fascinating on how this will play out. Never mind the e-mail scandal, the constant lying, the deaths of people who were to testify in cases involving her. This might be the one to knock her out of her power grab. Ironic isn’t it, her craving for power, will be cut short by the lack of physical power in her body. What do you think?