Let me ask all of you America Loving, God Loving citizens, are any of you surprised by the progressive secularist’s comments about Christians in Clinton’s speech today? It makes me wonder why and Christian, Catholic or for that matter any other follower of Christ to choose to vote for a candidate who makes hateful statements about said faith. Lets put it in simple terms, she has drawn the line, she hates you.

According to Conservativebyte:

Christians across America should be terrified by Hillary Clinton’s denouncing of Trump supporters as “bigoted” people who are so “deplorable” that they are “irredeemable,” because she was primarily talking about people of faith, as reflected by one of her top Democratic supporters just one day before Clinton’s infamous speech. While many commentators were stunned by Clinton’s comments, most have overlooked the setting and context. Clinton was speaking in New York City at an LGBT event. And she specified that the “bigoted” and “irredeemable” people she was denouncing are both homophobic and Islamophobic.

You are nothing to Hillary Clinton but a vote, don’t ever forget that. You will vote for her and she will continue to take your rights away, and further the assault on your liberties. With the assault on Christians and the systematic placing of muslims in governmental seats of power, makes you wonder how much money has been really changing hands with Clinton Foundation and also Barrack Obama’s bank accounts.

What do you think?