Hillary Supporter Arrested for Attempted Homicide of Elderly Woman



Matthew Pugh, 27, demonstrated the famous liberal tolerance by bashing a 69 year old woman over the head with a chair, when she dared to disagree with him.  She had to be taken to the hospital with a large cut on her forehead.  Pugh managed to flee that night but was later arrested and charged with  attempted homicide, aggravated assault, simple assault, and reckless endangerment.  He is being held on a $50,000 bond.

Pugh and the elderly woman were discussing the election results, when the woman made either a disparaging remark against Hillary or a favorable one of Trump,  when Pugh went full liberal and picked up a chair and smashed it over the woman’s head.  It’s exactly what we have come to expect from light in the loafer liberals who will attack the elderly or disabled because someone their own age would literally kick the crap out of them.

From Breitbart:

Fisticuffs and physical altercations have abounded after the recent election.

In one case a Trump supporter in Palm Beach, Florida, told police she had to pepper spray a Hillary supporter after the Democrat allegedly assaulted her on Election Day.

Before Election Day, a Hillary supporter allegedly shot an African-American Trump supporter in Cleveland during an argument over politics in a local bar.

And an incident turned deadly in Georgia when an Hispanic man allegedly shot and killed an African-American bar patron after the black man made a joke about Trump deporting illegals.

It’s funny how liberals claimed all during the campaign and it’s aftermath how Trump has inspired violence when it’s only the liberals killing or attempting to kill those who disagree with them.

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