• September 8, 2024

Hillary’s October Surprise, Courtesy Of WikiLeaks, Will Reveal Ties To Enemies Of America

October is right around the corner and now WikiLeaks could deliver the ultimate “October Surprise!”


Julian Assange continues to discuss revelations of Hillary Clinton’s dealings around the world, and says that WikiLeaks will coninue to do their work.

Specifically, Assange planned to release emails that show the ties between Clinton and Saudi Arabia, according to Fox News.

“Saudi Arabia is probably the largest single donor to the Clinton Foundation, and you can see Clinton’s arms export policies when she was a secretary of state favoring extensively Saudi Arabia,” Assange said during an interview last week with RT.

This poses potentially huge problems for the Democrats, given that the Saudis are proponents of Wahhabism, a fundamentalist branch of Islamic theology. Moreover, the Saudis rank as some of the worst human rights abusers in the world.

The WikiLeaks founder also reportedly intended to expose Clinton’s connection to Russia.

“There is a much deeper connection on record with Hillary Clinton and Russia than we are presently aware of with Donald Trump,” he claimed. “Hillary Clinton did quite well strategically to draw a connection between Trump and Russia because she has so many connections of her own.”

“Hillary Clinton of course and her team naturally have tried to distract from the very real revelations … with anything they can, desperate to try and criticize amazingly their opponents as being Russian agents,” Assange told CNN Monday, according to The Daily Caller.

The question is: will these revelations matter? If the election is rigged, will it make a difference? Only time will tell.

H/T to Conservative Tribune

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