A 14-year-old girl with a history of serious health issues lay dying of pneumonia in a hospital room. But as her mother waited for the girl to take her last...
A deceivingly simple picture of six girls sitting on a sofa is quickly going viral on Reddit, with many calling it an optical illusion. The picture, first discovered by Reddit user jr0d7771...
A soldier took to Reddit to share his storyof getting revenge on his wife, who he said cheated with an astonishing 60 men. The soldier, who used his Reddit username...
Florida is one of 27 US states allowing children of any age to be married if their parents give permission. A WOMAN has opened up about her horrific ordeal of...
A 43-year-old woman in Lamar County, Mississippi, was arrested on Tuesday and charged with bestiality. Video evidence had reportedly been uploaded to the internet which featured Amy Nicole Graves. “We...
Yes, it’s true! Medical science has developed a real treatment for the problems of faulty logic and is most apparent in those known as Liberals. These people present as being...
We all have our own ways to remember loved ones that have passed on. Whether it is from letters they have written to us, favorite pictures of them, even voice...
We all know what strange things we see at our local Wal-Mart stores, but it seems that chain doesn’t have a lock on weird stuff. Recently, shoppers at a Wilkinson’s...
That would be today’s headline if North Korea’s fat little dictator had his way, but unfortunately, he is having to settle for a Propaganda Video that was put together for...
A 14-year-old girl with a history of serious health issues lay dying of pneumonia in a hospital room. But as her mother waited for the girl to take her last...
A Liberal media outlet in the UK has learned a hard lesson, “if your going to meddle in U.S. Politics, make sure you got your facts right.” Prior to last...
Not so long ago, duels fought with guns were a common thing. In fact, several politicians and lawmakers including Andrew Jackson and Alexander Hamilton are know to have participated in...
We have all seen the failures that North Korea has experienced in their recent attempt to test their new ICBM’s, missiles exploding on the launching pad or blowing up just...
For several years there has been a constant argument about how many planets are in our solar system. No I am not talking about the “Is Pluto a planet or...
We all know that teenagers do some stupid things, and a lot of those stupid things start off as a dare. Over the weekend, one such teenager got an education...
Landlady, Mandy Miles, hurried to unlocked the door to her tenants apartment, but what she saw shocked her beyond belief. Miles said she had been in her apartment when she...
America has always had a special fascination for celebrities but you may not have known that some of them were doing something deep undercover for America on the side. ...
You may recognize this man as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head honcho of the Islamic State and former Gitmo detainee. Both the Allies and Syrian governments have been trying to...
It took one quick thinking student to convince cops that he was not a drunkard operating his car. According to the Daily Caller University of Central Arkansas (UCA) student...
BREAKING NEWS – The master instigator behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as the “Blind Sheikh” has died in prison at the age of...