An illegal immigrant living in Pennsylvania has been taken into police custody on charges of indecent assault of a child, aggravated indecent assault of a child, unlawful contact with a minor, and corruption of minors
This man, Jorge Luis Ramirez, is alleged to have committed these crimes on a twelve year old girl!
The child’s parents report that Ramirez assaulted their child more than a dozen times while she was attending Redemption Episcopal Church in Southampton, according to Breitbart News Network.
A judge in Bensalem Township ordered the man to be held on $1 million bond.
This poor girl’s plight could have been avoided entirely if we simply had a President, and other government officials, who were willing to enforce our existing immigration laws.
Ramirez is originally from Honduras. This illegal immigrant should have been picked up by local law enforcement, who should have the ability to enforce immigrant laws. They are trusted to enforce all the other laws right?