Fox News and Megyn Kelly are both portraying her as completely unbiased and capable of being an unfettered moderator. BS
Here is what Kelly said about her and Trump:
“Of course there is no bias there whatsoever. I neither like nor dislike him, I don’t have any feelings about them. I study these guys as subjects — they are subjects for me to study and to help the audience get to know, so I don’t really spend a lot of time thinking about him.”
That’s funny. I guess she doesn’t watch her own show or know what words come out of her mouth. here is a video I stole from a great conservative talk show host, Wayne DuPree:
Even MSNBC gets it. Joe Scarborough said that you would have to be stupid to get up on stage in a debate run by a network that has made it their lifework to destroy Trump:
The truth is that Donald Trump is the only candidate that wants to put a stopper in the bottle of immigrants and send the illegals that are here now home. But Fox CEO, Rupert Murdoch is a fierce open borders guy who wants cheap foreign labor:
I predict things will not go well for Fox News over this.