Jennifer Aniston Carries on Feud With Mother Beyond the Grave


It’s safe to say that Jennifer Aniston is not Friends with her mother even carrying the grudge beyond the grave.  Although she did go to the memorial service for her mother, she refused to take her ashes.  The two had a long standing feud and even though they did reconcile at one point, that quickly fell apart.  Aniston says that her mother was always very critical of her and the reason is because her mother was a beautiful woman, having been a model, and that Jennifer was not beautiful.  (In what alternative universe”)

One year anniversary: Jennifer and Justin quietly celebrated their first wedding anniversary over dinner at Madeo in Beverly Hills on August 6

She said no: Jennifer (pictured July 23) attended her mother's memorial service but when she was asked if she wanted to take Nancy's ashes, the actress reportedly said no

From The Mail Online:

The former Friends star had not seen her mother in several years, not since Nancy’s stroke in 2011.

Then last spring, Jennifer flew to Los Angeles to say her final goodbyes to Nancy, who the source described as ‘sick, frail and alone’ during her final months before she passed away on May 25.

In Touch Weekly reported that Jennifer’s husband, Justin Theroux, attended the memorial with his wife.

 The source told the publication that Justin ‘still thought Jen would take the ashes.’

Jennifer’s complicated feelings for her mother have dogged her through most of her adult life.

The actress stopped speaking to Nancy altogether after the latter published a book, From Mother and Daughter to Friends: A Memoir.

Aniston must be carrying deep emotional scars if she is still keeping the feud alive after her mother’s death.

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