Who would have ever thought that the democratic party would be considered the party of war? Going all the way back to the Vietnam era, the democrats have represented the party of appeasement, how the times have changed.
To see a man of the stature of Adam Walinsky endorsing Donald Trump is of great importance, but not to the informed. We are all aware of the lengths the United States has gone in the sale of arms around the world. And I for one can understand why nations in the world see our nation in an unfavorable light. To think the U.S. was the first to help, now we are the first to destroy.
Adam Walinsky, who served under former President John F. Kennedy and later penned speeches for former Attorney General Robert Kennedy, has issued an epic endorsement of Donald Trump that’s taken the campaign by storm.
What brought about this unanticipated change? The Democrat Party’s transformation into the “party of war,” he claimed. (…)
According to Walinsky, [Hillary] Clinton has plotted to push America into more wars, prevent it from developing cooperative partnerships with Russia and keep it ignorant of the true terror that threatens its existence (…) including the ISIS that is terrorizing Europe today
“Flawed as he may be, Trump is telling more of the truth than is any politician of our day,” the former Kennedy speechwriter concluded. “Most important, he offers a path away from constant war, a path of businesslike accommodation with all reasonable people and nations, concentrating our forces and efforts against the true enemies of civilization.”
Another former politico seeing what the Democrat Party has turned into. It has literally been sold to the devil, for power and financial gain without a concern for the people it represents.
How far it has come form the Kennedy era of the early 60’s, where trust and respect were the hallmarks of our government.
What do you think?