For five decades the democrats have billed themselves the party of the blacks. If that isn’t astounding enough, consider this, the black voters have eaten it up like it was chocolate cake. Consider this, exactly what has the democrats done for black voters in America? Some will point to affirmative action, but they’d be wrong. It was Richard Nixon who pushed that through. And when Barack Obama was elected, there was much hope in the African American community that their lives would get better for them. Consider these facts:
The poverty rate for blacks is 27.4%
According to CNN, the median net worth of the average white person is now 22 times as much as the the average black person’s wealth, $110,729 to $4,995.
The amazing thing is that blacks in congress knows how bad Obama has been for the African American community but the constituents get angry if they say it:
The Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver (D-MO), admits Obama is getting special treatment due to his race, “With 14% unemployment, if we had a white president we’d be marching around the White House. The president knows we are going to act in deference to him in a way we wouldn’t to someone white.” Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) goes even further, explaining that her black constituents don’t want their leadership to criticize Obama, “If we go after the president too hard, you’re going after us,” she told her constituency.
The average income for blacks has dropped by $4,000 a year under Obama.
Liberals cannot make a case to African Americans (Especially young ones) that their economic health is doing well thanks to them, so they’ve turned to Old Reliable……..Trump is a racist.
Now, why is Trump called a racist? For two reasons. He wants to keep unvetted Muslims out of the country and he wants all illegal aliens out of the country. What does any of this have to do with blacks? How do you take these two facts convince black voters that Trump is bigoted toward them? It doesn’t. Liberals lying and the lamestream press swearing to it has.
First, let’s take the Muslims. When terrorists strike, it affects blacks as well as whites, browns, putple, rouge and any other color you can think of. Therefore that policy makes them safer, which is a good thing. Under the liberal Obama, we’ve had at least one major terror attack every year since 2009.
But, it’s the illegal aliens where it’s the hardest to understand black opposition. There are at least 11 million illegal aliens in this country. They have brought diseases with them and that affects the health of all Americans, not just the white ones. The crimes they commit (And statistics prove there are many of them) also affect everyone.
But there are some areas that affect blacks more than they do other groups with the exception of legal Hispanics. The unemployment rate for young black men is now :
Those are some really devastating numbers. Why are they so high? Because of the failed programs of the liberals, not to mention their favoritism to teacher’s unions over students lead to less education for the African Americans. That means that they end up competing with the multitude of unskilled illegal aliens. And worse yet, it’s not a level playing field.
Because of Obamacare, illegal aliens save employers $3,000 a year. Illegal aliens are not eligible for Obamacare, therefore employers save 3 grand right off the bat. It doesn’t stop there. Employers are force to buy insurance if they employ 50 or more employers. If a company has 65 employees, they need only hire 16 illegals and none of their employees get health insurance, not even the black employees. Not one single republican voted for Obamacare but every single democrat did.
And why are schools in the inner city so poor academically? Union rules, which allow the older more experienced teachers to go to the suburban schools to teach and force young teachers without experience into the inner cities. In some cases, republicans have been able to offer school vouchers that allow poor families to send their children to better schools, where they can learn and prepare themselves for college. Barack Obama himself stopped the voucher program in Washington D.C. And democrats in general block those programs all across America.
So, while democrats work to make your lives harder, they convince you that republicans, Trump in particular are racists. Wanna buy a bridge?