• September 15, 2024

22 Yr Old Speaker At GOP Convention Says 3 Words That Should Ignite Everyone…

22 Yr Old Speaker At GOP Convention Says 3 Words That Should Ignite Everyone…

The  22-year-old Founder and Executive of Director of Turning Point USA said 3 words that will go down as the best of the 2016 convention…

Big government sucks.’

Watch the clip below…

From Daily Wire:

Crowds cheered at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio as the youngest speaker at the convention took the stage and summed up his party’s vision of liberty and limited government in less than three minutes. The young leader of the nation’s fastest-growing student activist organization began:

Our slogan is ‘Big Government Sucks’, and I apologize if that sounds a little caustic, but you here at the 2016 Convention-I know you know that’s true.

22-year-old Charlie Kirk has spent the last four years of his life educating and empowering millennials to become advocates of limited government and free market principles. As Founder and Executive Director of Turning Point USA, Kirk has grown to representing his ideals on more than 1,100 high schools and college campuses across the United States.

“I founded Turning Point USA to tell young people in America that there’s a better way than big government and old school corruption,” he said. “We essentially argue for free markets and free people on college campuses across the country- in the most treacherous terrain imaginable.”

Kirk continued by challenging stereotypes blindly attributed to Republicans by Democratic rivals:

We’re told frequently that the Republican Party is the party of old, rich white men. And I always respond, I say, did you know that here at this convention, and the 2016 field it- was the most diverse and youngest presidential field in presidential history.



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