UK training 300 Libyan soldiers, who show their gratitude by raping half the town, including men

Libyan Army Evicted After Going on Rape Jihad… in the UK


At least they were the “moderate” Rape Jihadists. Just imagine if they had imported the “extremists”.  Thousands of UK girls would have… oh yes that actually happened too.

Maybe the UK needs some sort of military and domestic police forces to keep these people out. I hear that used to work really well against the vikings and whatnot.

A new generation of the Libyan army was supposed to be trained in the West as part of international efforts to rebuild the country after the ouster of Muammar Gaddafi. Hand-picked recruits were invited to rural England for basic infantry and junior command training.

Unfortunately by hand-picked, they actually meant the Islamic rule that any non-Muslim that “your hand possesses” can be raped.

On Tuesday, however, the British Ministry of Defense announced that all 300 trainees would be sent home early after a string of sexual assaults were perpetrated against the residents of Cambridgeshire, culminating in the alleged gang rape of a young man.

That’s a start. Now send back the other few million.

Britain had pledged to train 2,000 Libyan recruits in total, but that commitment is now under review.

Just think of the enrichment. The diversity.

Libyan Army cadets stationed at Bassingbourn barracks are alleged to have left the military camp on raids into the nearby university town of Cambridge, where a spate of sexual attacks were reported on the cobbled streets around the ancient college buildings.

What did the UK think the Libyan Army did? It’s not very good at fighting armies. But it’s moderately decent at raping young men.

Two of the recruits have admitted to two sexual assaults and a bicycle theft in Market Square right at the center of the old town. They also pleaded guilty to threatening a police office. Another cadet, aged 18, has been charged with three sexual assaults.

Real officer material there. I hear ISIS has offered the lad a commission on the spot.

In total, police have investigated reports of 11 sexual assaults in central Cambridge within nine days.

It’s almost like it was an invasion.

The most serious of those took place on Christ’s Piece, which is between Jesus and Emmanuel colleges, on Sunday October 26. A man in his early 20s allegedly was approached by two Libyan soldiers who subjected him to a serious sexual assault. Moktar Ali Saad Mahmoud, 33, and Ibrahim Abogutila, 22, were charged with rape on Monday.

How symbolic in so many ways.

It has been reported that up to 20 of the cadets have applied for asylum, although the Ministry of Defense and Home Office refuse to discuss those cases.

Give it a little while and it’ll be 2,000 and the courts will rule that they can’t be sent back.

Last year, Britain, the United States and European members of the G8 signed up to train more than 7,000 Libyan troops who would form the heart of a new army that would allow the state to regain stability in the aftermath of a bloody civil war.

Or they’ll just export the bloody civil war to the US and Europe.

General discipline collapsed, with one in ten refusing to obey orders – with one UK trainer reportedly headbutted and another apparently threatened by a Libyan mob.

The trainer was probably an Islamophobe. He wanted them to do things against their religion… like obey a non-Muslim.

To add further insult it has emerged that the Libyan government still owe millions of pounds for the training of their soldiers.

Which Libyan government? There are at least two. And they’re fighting each other.

Peter Robinson, who chairs the parish council, said: ‘I thought Muslims didn’t drink but there has been a run on vodka in the local shop. That’s their favourite trip – going to the Spar and then stealing bicycles.’

It’s what Mohammed would have done.

Downing Street confirmed that the Libyan soldiers are eligible to seek asylum in the UK before they are kicked out.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: ‘Asylum rules apply to everyone. It will be the existing asylum rules that apply.’

It will take the British armed forces to get rid of them at this point.

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