Loretta Lynch Refuses to Enforce the Law…Allows VA Boss Responsible for Deaths to Return to Her Job


Loretta Lynch sent a letter to Congress, informing them that she was refusing to defend a portion of the 2014 VA reform law.  It is even more questionable act on her part considering her boss signed the bill into law.  By her refusal, she is making it possible for a woman, Sharon Helman, who was fired from the VA because she was in the center of the waiting list scandal that allowed so many veterans to die because they didn’t get care.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said:

“This decision by the Obama administration puts our veterans at further risk..  We cannot entrust veterans’ health care to people unwilling or unable to do their jobs and to an agency like the VA that is unable to hold people accountable. The Department of Justice must defend the law as written and signed by President Obama.”

Congress had passed the law with major bipartisan support to make it easier to fire incompetent corrupt officials from the VA.   A very important part of that bill is the “appointment clause” that would prevent Helman from getting her job back after she sued the VA for reappointment.  Helman was fired over creating a phony waiting list to hide the fact that the Arizona VA was responsible for dozens of deaths because they didn’t receive treatment at her facility.  She also pleaded guilty of not reporting $50,000 in gifts from lobbyists.

House Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Jeff Miller was outraged:

“The effect of this reckless action is clear: It undermines very modest reforms to our broken civil service system supported in 2014 by the president and an overwhelming majority of Congress.  Today, the Obama administration sent a message loud and clear to felons and those with felonious tendencies everywhere: you will be coddled and protected at the Department of Veterans Affairs, which even before this decision was routinely tolerating egregious behavior among employees such as armed robbery participation and wait-time manipulation.”

Helman has filed a lawsuit to get her job back.  Where the hell did my country go?



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