
Matt Drudge has fired a shot across Hillary’s bow with this statement:

As NewsAlert says:

Matt Drudge Gives Warning To Hillary Clinton. Does Hillary Clinton Have a “Special Friend” ?

Matt Drudge:

Oh, on the sex stuff. Hillary is about to get hers…

The thing you have to remember is that Matt Drudge always delivers.  He has never made a false promise.  If it turns out that her “special friend” is Huma Abedin sparks will fly over the conflicts of interest.

Drudge may have been dropping hints about a week ago when he said:

“I’m very concerned with what’s happening. So I just give it my all. I’ve learned how to take care of myself and detach from outcomes. Because otherwise you can’t survive… I have remained completely independent from all of them… I need no traffic from Google. I don’t care if I get one traffic referral from Google, or Bing, or Yahoo or any of these others…

…Now if you think of that setup, how rare that is, because everybody is so hungry for referrals, for likes. I don’t need to be liked… I hope that you come. It doesn’t mean necessarily you have to like what I have up there.”

“They say he’s a right-wing gossip monger mainly because of Lewinsky and those years. Which by the way, are back. Why aren’t we seeing Hillary’s lovers? Excuse me, why aren’t we seeing Hillary’s lovers? Where’s the cover-up on this?“