Mexicans Offended, No American Flags At Football Game In S.C. School

The American flag is not allowed to be flown at high school football games in Travelers Rest, South Carolina. This announcement is sending shockwaves throughout the upstate, and upsetting many in the community. Travelers Rest and Berea high school are responding to claims students weren’t allowed to carry American flags into a football game between the two schools. Seems the principal’s emotions are getting in his way. The Berea area has a larger Mexican base population and the thought of the “Mexican” students seeing the stars and Stripes will  offend them.

Travelers Rest and Berea high school are both responding to claims that students aren’t allowed to carry the American flag to football games that occur between the two schools.

It seems that the principal, Lou Lavely, of Travelers Rest high school, is allowing political correctness to get in the way. Lavely believes that since the Berea area has a much larger Mexican population the “Mexican” students may be offended by the Stars and Stripes.

According to WYF 4:

On Saturday afternoon, Principal Lou Lavely told WYFF News 4, “the flag has been used in the past to taunt Berea students and community that has led to confrontation. Student safety (and in the case of a football game, safety of all attending) is our primary concern. It is the responsibility of the school to provide the safest environment possible and no object, sign, chants by students, etc. would be permitted if they compromise safety.

It seems to me that any flag that exists (even ISIS) in this country is protected, and their rights are defended under our free speech laws. However, the American flag only seems to be protected when it is burnt by young communists on a college campus. Educators today hide behind their good intentions, but the road is often littered with them.

The winds of political correctness have now reached the Deep South from Washington D.C., and there will be repercussions, at the ballot box. If it is true that decent, hardworking, Mexican people are offended by the American Flag in America, why are they even here? What ever happened to assimilation? That is after all, what made this country great, not diversity.

What do you think?



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