UNITED NATIONS – The parents of Michael Brown will meet with about 20 representatives of the Obama administration in Geneva, Switzerland, before pleading their case to the United Nations Committee Against Torture, according to the director of the nonprofit group organizing their trip.

Ejim Dike, executive director of the U.S. Human Rights Network, told WND that Michael Brown Sr. and Lesley McSpadden – the parents of the black teen who was killed in a confrontation in August with a white police offer in Ferguson, Missouri – will meet Nov. 11 in Geneva with the U.S. officials.

The parents, who demand the immediate arrest of Officer Darren Wilson, say their “goal is not only to achieve justice in Ferguson, but to unite governments around the world against the human rights violations that result from racial profiling and police violence.”

The officials, who also will be in Geneva to speak to the U.N. Committee Against Torture, Dike said, are from the U.S. Department of Justice, Department of Education, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense and the State Department.

After meeting the U.S. officials, Brown’s parents will address the 53rd Session of the United Nations Committee Against Torture, Nov. 12 and 13.

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At issue is U.S. compliance with the U.N. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which was passed by the U.N. in 1984 and ratified by the U.S. in 1994.

The parents’ U.N. invitation is the result of a 13-page position paper written by Saint Louis University Law School assistant professor Justin Hansford with the support of left-leaning advocacy groups, Hands Up United, the Organization for Black Struggle and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment.

The U.N. panel, Dike told WND, realizes “the issue of gun violence and police violence especially directed at black and brown people in this country is really a grave human rights concern.”

The committee consists of so-called independent legal experts from countries such as the Republic of Georgia and communist China. The panel’s two members from the U.S. have recused themselves from hearing the case.

Hansford’s paper characterizes the Aug. 9 shooting in Ferguson as the murder by a white police officer of an innocent black youth who had his arms raised in an attempt to surrender.

However, the findings of the grand jury considering whether or not Wilson should be prosecuted have leaked out, and they indicate the officer was acting in self-defense and won’t be charged.

The U.S. already has been reviewed twice this year for alleged noncompliance with U.N. treaties on civil and political rights and the elimination of racial discrimination. The mother of Trayvon Martin, the black teen killed by a neighborhood watchman in Florida, and the father of Jordan Davis, a Florida black teen fatally shot over loud music, participated in the reviews in August.

Hansford’s position paper calls among other things for the arrest of Wilson for the alleged murder of their son, the resignation of Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson and an apology from Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon for alleged intimidation and excessive police force against those seeking to protest the Brown shooting.

The document further calls on the U.N. to demand that Attorney General Eric Holder and the Department of Justice conduct “a nationwide investigation of systematic police brutality and harassment in brown and black communities, and youth in particular.”

A website, FergusonToGeneva.com, makes available the Hansford report and accepts donations to defray the costs of the trip to Geneva.

As WND columnist Jack Cashill has noted, the leaks of grand jury findings appear to be an attempt by the Justice Department to prepare the public for the likelihood that Wilson will not be charged in Brown’s death.

An Oct. 17 New York Times story, for example, shows Wilson’s version of events inside the officer’s vehicle lines up with the forensic evidence.

As Wilson told the story, Brown reached for the gun, and it was fired twice, with one shot striking Brown on the hand. In the scuffle, Brown “punched and scratched [Wilson] repeatedly.”

Forensic tests meanwhile showed Brown’s blood on the gun, on Wilson’s clothes and on the interior door panel.

The autopsy also indicated Brown did not have his hand’s up in surrender, discrediting a crucial claim that became a central theme of protesters.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/11/greatest-show-on-earth-5-agencies-to-meet-michael-browns-parents/#3K5ilZ4BiY8pcmSl.99