Michelle Obama Pays Daughters and Mother Taking Exotic Trips


It has been discovered that on many of the trips Michelle Obama went on, she listed her daughters, mother, niece and nephew as staffers.  Normally, the mother, niece and nephew would have to be charged the cost of a regular flight plus meals but when they are listed as staff members, they do not.  Malia and Sasha of course could go on the trips even if they were not listed as senior staff without cost.  So the taxpayer footed the bill for the three family members.  But that’s not all.  When “staffers” are taken along on a trip, they are eligible for a daily stipend to cover ancillary costs.  I have not been able to find out how much the stipends come to but my guess is they are overly generous.


They aren’t marked on this document but Leslie and Avery Robinson are Michelle Obama’s niece and nephew.  So not only did they get all expenses paid for, they also got some spending money to use even though their sight seeing was paid in full by the taxpayers.  

“According to an Air Force flight passenger manifest for the multi-million dollar trip, which included multiple days of sightseeing and a family safari, Michelle listed her daughters as ‘Senior Staff.’ White House officials told True Pundit that as senior staff on an official diplomatic trip, Sasha and Malia could have also been paid a daily stipend in addition to the free flight, lodging, meals, sight seeing and safari.” [Via True Pundit]

Now, that was only one of 40 trips taken by Michelle.  Even though it’s public information, Judicial Watch had to sue to get the documents.

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