MO State Senator Blames “White Flight” On Nuclear Waste In North St. Louis County

If there was any doubt that a big part of St. Louis’ racial unrest (after watching events in Ferguson and Lake St. Louis) was due to race baiting, let this dispel those doubts. But would you really expect such blatant racial discrimination from a state senator? Another for the “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up File.”

Missouri State Senator, Maria Chapelle-Nadal just blamed “white flight” on a nuclear waste contamination problem in her district in St. Louis County.

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Chapelle-Nadal has been a legislator since 2004, serving as a state rep from 2004 to 2010, and as a senator since 2010. Interestingly, she has not championed the St. Louis County nuclear waste issues prior to late this summer, and since the issue has been plaguing residents there (of every color and nationality) for decades, one wonders why she was so late to the party.

Here’s how to contact her. Drop her a line/tweet. Tell her that nuclear waste kills white people and hispanic people and asian people and #AllLivesMatter, too!

Her office in Jefferson City: Maria Chappelle-Nadal

Her Twitter Handle:


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