Joie Chitwood III — president of Daytona International Speedway — urged NASCAR fans to bring Confederate flags to Daytona over the Fourth of July weekend as part of NASCAR’s flag exchange.
“For us, we’re celebrating the American Flag this weekend,” Chitwood said Tuesday. “It’s our nation’s birthday. We’re going to have a flag exchange opportunity. So fans who would like to fly the American Flag, we’ll trade with you on whatever flag you have. We want you to celebrate that flag this weekend.”
Chitwood’s announcement comes on the heels of the shootings at Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, N.C. in June. Following the tragedy, NASCAR came out in support of South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s call to remove the Confederate flag from in front of the state house in Columbia.
Currently, NASCAR has not placed an outright-ban on the Confederate flag at races, but Chitwood added that the sport was not opposed to changing that policy in the future.