• September 8, 2024

Poll Shows 30% of Voters Expect Hillary to Die Before 2020


Politico/Morning Consult poll found that 50% of voters believe that Hillary is lying about her health and 30% don’t think she would survive her first term.  Oddly enough, 20% doubt that Trump would survive his first term.  I mean, Clinton is geriatric and Trump is high energy all the time.  I write that off as desperation by Clintonophiles to try to project Hillary’s negatives onto Trump.


From Morning Consult:

But, voters are looking for more transparency from both candidates.

Seven in 10 voters (71 percent) – up 10 percent since August – said presidential candidates should be required to release a letter from their physician saying they are physically fit to serve, while 78 percent said they should be required to take similar action about their mental health.

Nearly seven in 10 voters (66 percent) said candidates should be required to release previous medical records.

The good news for both candidates: Voters think each would survive first term. Eight in 10 said it is very likely or somewhat likely Trump will survive his first term, if elected, compared with seven in 10 who said the same for Clinton.

In the event that neither candidates would be able to complete their terms, Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence is viewed as more capable than Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine. Forty-three percent say Pence is prepared to serve as president, while 38 percent said the same of Kaine.

The national Morning Consult survey polled 1,501 registered voters from Sept. 12-13 for a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. See the toplines and crosstabs.

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