Record Number of Real Moms Demand Guns

 Sales numbers reported by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) show that gun ownership among females is at an all-time high.

Numbers from 2011 and 2012 showed a “79 percent… increase in female customers,” and female concealed carry permit holders are making up a larger and larger percentage of overall concealed carry permit holders throughout the country.

For example, NSSF quoted numbers from USA Today showing that “women now make up about 22 percent of concealed pistol license holders” in Florida and Washington state. They made up over 30 percent of concealed carry permit holders in Tennessee by the end of 2013.

Record Number of Real Moms Demand Guns
Record Number of Real Moms Demand Guns

On May 22 Breitbart News reported that a growing number of grandmothers were also buying guns and getting concealed carry permits to protect themselves and their grandchildren. Fox 8 Cleveland reported that grandmothers were “one of the fastest growing groups to get a firearm.”

And while the growing percentage of female concealed carry permit holders relates to guns carried for self-defense, a record number of females are also getting into guns for uses other than self-defense, things like target shooting and hunting.

According to CBS News, the number of women taking part in target shooting “has shot up nearly 70 percent… in the last decade.” The number of women who hunt “has increased 43 percent” during that same time period.

All this is happening while the Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is trying to convince businesses – like Kroger, Target, Chipotle, etc. – that gun bans are what moms really want.

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Read more: AmmoLand
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