Restaurant Employee Fired for Refusing Service to the Police


An employee with the Ghengis Grill was fired for refusing service to a group of police officers who stopped in for a meal.  They said nothing and just left.  Management found out about it from another employee and wasted no time in firing the employee and then notifying the police and apologized for the incident.  It was personal for the management of the restaurant.  Officer Michael Krol, who was one of the five officers killed in Dallas was a regular customer and employees had become upset when they found out.

Genghis Grill

Today we were informed of an incident that took place at our Oldtown location. We take these matters very seriously, and would never condone this type of behavior. We have investigated this incident and acted swiftly and removed the employee in question from Genghis Grill.

The Facebook comments were tough on the restaurant:

“We will never eat at any of your locations again,” Cynthia Schoelen wrote. “Not after the way the officers were treated. You said you fired the employee. Where was the manager when this happened? Apparently not doing his job for sure.”

“You’re going to need to make this up to them and make it public or you Will lose business,” Kara Halbert added. “I highly recommend lots of free meals, catered party, SOMETHING more than firing someone.”

Recently, many restaurant employees have taken it on themselves to make officers unwelcome.

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