Secret Tapes of Ailes Harassment Blows Lid on the Scandal.


It has now been acknowledged that some of the women harassed by Roger Ailes have audio tapes proving his guilt.  According to Vanity fair, multiple women recorded themselves being sexually harassed by Ailes and could be the reason for his quick departure.  The number of women who are claiming they were sexually harassed has been growing by leaps and bounds.  Some of the bigger names are Gretchen Carlson, the first woman to make accusations, Megyn Kelly and most recently Andrea Tantaros.  Two of the women who were harassed were fired unceremoniously.

According to Vanity Fair, there are several women who taped their conversations with Ailes (above). The tapes could play a key role in forcing 21st Century Fox and Ailes to settle the sexual harassment lawsuit  filed by former host Gretchen Carlson

Fox News is reportedly asking Ailes (above) to pay a portion of the potential harassment settlement

After Tantaros refused to back down, she says she was first demoted then eventually taken off the air in April 2016, according to the suitCarlson sued Ailes on July 6, claiming she was cut loose after she refused his sexual advances and complained about harassment in the workplace

Fox News will now have to settle Carlson’s suit and for much more than they want to, because if they settle now to her satisfaction, they will avoid a court trial in which the secretly recorded tapes could be played.  That would create even more problems for Fox, because Tantaros filed a complaint with Fox management and was fired for her complaint.

From The Mail Online:

Ailes’ attorney has strongly denied the allegations of harassment against him, as several staffers at the company allege that Ailes was very threatening.

‘Roger ruled with a heavy dose of implied threats—to journalists, staff, and even colleagues who didn’t work for him—and psychological games,’ former News Corp P.R. executive Andrew Butcher told Vanity Fair.

‘Roger deserves to end his career in disgrace. It seems that Rupert’s tolerance of his excesses has finally been rejected as Lachlan and James (Murdoch) modernize Fox and bring it in line with what is acceptable in a 21st-century workplace.’

Other staffers say that they felt as though Ailes had been monitoring their conversations.  

Six Fox News current and former employees told CNN Money that they have long feared Ailes had tapped their phones and was monitoring their conversations.

‘We all believe our phones are tapped and that we are monitored,’ one Fox News personality told CNNMoney.

‘People definitely felt that the clicks on the line were coming from the inside,’ said another. 


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