‘South Park’ Completely Trolls Washington Redskins With In-Game Ad Ripping Team Name

Looks like Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder is about to face his toughest adversary yet: Eric Cartman.

Comedy Central ran an ad for the upcoming season premiere of “South Park” in which Cartman takes on both Snyder and the team’s insistence on using a name many people find offensive. The promo ran Sunday during the 4th quarter of the Washington-Philadelphia Eagles game.

The commercial shows Cartman running a business under the Washington Redskins name now that it’s no longer a protected trademark as a cartoon version of Snyder demands that he stop “in the name of decency.” The “South Park” version of Snyder also calls Cartman’s use of the team’s name “offensive” and “derogatory.”

“I have total respect for you,” Cartman insists. “When I named my company Washington Redskins it was out of deep appreciation for your team and your people.”

That’s Cartman, showing some serious authoritah.

SB Nation reports that the ad aired only in the Washington market, which shows you how to really troll sports fans:

But not every Washington fan was bothered by the ad. Many also took it in good humor:

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