When strange stickers started appearing in random places along the streets and parks, some assumed it was just another advertising ploy. However, as soon as they took a closer look, they realized it was an Islamic message directed towards non-Muslims — one that’s even more horrifying in the wake of the terrorist attack in Nice, France.
With the increase of Muslim migrants, Sweden has become a hub of Islamic rape and sexual assault. We’ve long warned that this isn’t solely for the satisfaction of perverted foreigners but mainly to force Western women to adhere to Sharia. If they fear being groped or gang raped, they will have men escort them or cover their bodies more willingly just like women are forced to do in Islamic countries.
Ignorant leftists have been more concerned with making these migrant rapists feel comfortable in their host country than with the abuse of the innocent. But perhaps they will heed the warning directly from the mouths of the asylum seekers they defend.
Fria Tider reports that sinister bumper stickers are surfacing all over Nybro, Sweden, each containing simple yet threatening messages towards those who refuse to submit to Islam. One of the stickers states in English, “Women who do not wear the veil are asking to be raped.” Another reads, “No democracy. We just want Islam.”
Pictures of the messages are circulating on social media along with speculation as to who is spreading these eerie warnings. Leftists, of course, are running to the defense of Muslims, a large percentage of whom are indeed raping Swedish women. On the other hand, many civilians believe the threats are from asylum seekers. Considering that these threats by Muslim migrants are particularly common in Sweden, citizens have every justification for worry.
These stickers and others have been reported to the police who have opened up an investigation. They currently have no leads.