The DOJ Issues Stunning Order On Those Who Have Confederate Flag Tattoos

The attack on the Confederate Flag continues, and there seems to be no end in sight. Since the tragedy in Charleston last year, this piece of history has been scrutinized and used as a scapegoat. Now the Department of Justice has decided to become involved and it is quite evident that they have very different standards when investigating hate groups.

Take for example this particular case that the DOJ investigated and their conclusion.

According to Conservative Tribune:

The case in question involves Charles Butler, 33, and Robert Paschalis, 25, who are being charged with a hate crime after beating up someone because he was African-American.

Now, admittedly these two were undoubtedly racists, but it was how the Justice Department chose to identify them that should worry us.

In the affidavit, the FBI details the evidence it has to show that Butler was a racist.

Notice anything strange? The Confederate flag is used as evidence that he is racist. Now it is pretty clear from the laundry list of other things that Butler was racist (normal non-racist people don’t post photos of Hitler or the KKK on their Facebook pages), but the Confederate flag is not evidence of this.

The affidavit goes further stating that Butler has “numerous tattoos indicative of white supremacy, including the German War Eagle, a portrait of Adolph Hitler, a Swastika and a Confederate flag.”

And this is another example of the lawlessness that runs rampant in the present administration to pick and choose what is racist and what is offensive. We are told daily not to profile, yet here is an example of profiling even though what happened is wrong. Why is not the Black Lives Matters Group, Black Panthers, considered racist just by appearance? Our Constitution is continually under attack, and here is just another example of such disregard for the law. What do you say?