During a BLM protest in Seattle, a woman with a jacket with Black Lives Matter on the back, took over a megaphone and went on a vulgar rant complete with...
A gas station in Seattle , Washington put up a sign that has everyone, especially parents laughing their heads off. It is common for businesses to use these signs to...
The travel ban wars continue, but there’s an old saying about if at first you don’t succeed… Travel Ban 2.0 was launched this week to immediate protests from the usual...
During a BLM protest in Seattle, a woman with a jacket with Black Lives Matter on the back, took over a megaphone and went on a vulgar rant complete with...
Considering what students get suspended for in their clothing choices, you would think teachers wearing shirts celebrating a terrorist organization would be a violation of the dress code. Apparently, the...
The city of Seattle, which previously was in the news for holding “white fragility” workshops, is holding separate “racial equity” classes on September 21 and 22 designed to cater to...
The city of Seattle has a lot in common with Rosie O’Donnell’s lady parts. Everyone knows where they are but no one wants to go there. Seattle has a well...
by Thomas Madison, Powdered Wig Society Well, here is one job Obama can take credit for, and I promise you he will more than happy to do that. The Brainless...