The FBI Just Reportedly Found Something That Could be the END for Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton’s nonsensical email explanation continues to fall apart as each day goes by.
Earlier today, we told you about a report which revealed that hackers infiltrated the company that Hillary used to manage her emails. This confirms the suspicion that top secret national security information was put in the wrong hands due to Clinton’s unprecedented email practices.
Just a few hours later, another bombshell report is surfacing and this one signals big problems for Hillary and any remaining hope she had of moving back into the White House.
From Breitbart:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has successfully recovered personal and work emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server, according to a new report.
Sources told Bloomberg News that some of Clinton’s emails have been extracted from the server, thus disproving the claim that Clinton managed to wipe her server clean after she deleted all of her emails earlier this year.
Therefore, some of the emails that Clinton deleted — the ones that she determined were NOT relevant to federal investigations — are now in the hands of the FBI.
The federal investigation, therefore, is now out of Clinton’s control.