Trump: The Economy Or The Emotion Of The Day

For the past week we have been subjected to a political pawn named Khan attacking Donald Trump for something He had no part in, but wants a part in the future immigration policy which will impact Khan’s business venture; might as well use your son’s death for a purpose, right Mr. Khan? Emotion is in the first chamber of the Democrat political gun; use it right and the Democrats will succeed, it’s proven over the past 25 years.  Mr. Trump does not want to deal with emotion, he’s a business man, and deals in facts. He sees what this immigration process has wrought, and wants to change it, all for the good of the economy, and hence the american people. Economic growth for a Presidential term has been under 3% for the first time in american history thanks to Obamas stifling.

According to Fox news:


Here’s an analogy. What if your child called another kid “ugly”? Meanwhile on the same day, in the same class, another kid punched the teacher in the face, breaking her nose and shattering her jaw. At the same time, it was discovered that the principal embezzled $1 million from the education budget, thereby bankrupting the school and putting all the children’s futures in jeopardy.

Which should be the media headline?Well if the kid who called a classmate “ugly” was named Trump, that would be the top news of the day.

The Democrats and their allies in the media have launched a full scale attack on Mr. Trump, for one to discredit, and two to take the heat off of the Clinton’s. The louder the war drums beat against Trump the better I feel, for I hear and see desperation on the left. In a historical perspective, it parallels The Battle of the Bulge, a last ditch effort to win a battle and change the course of the election. What do you think ?

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