White Fragility? How did this happen, when did it first start to manifest? We all know the answer; it coincides with the Clinton’s arriving on the scene, “political correctness”, the opposite of our Constitution. So where does it go? The feminization of our boys started years ago, to the point some think they are girls. They cannot play with water pistols because that is bad, but in the mean time, said elected officials sell guns to our enemies for a personal profit and no one bats an eye. Now we have this, as if a thug cares about you understanding the plight of cross-racial interaction. What a fantasy world? It’s laughable.
The two “white fragility” workshops will take place on August 17 and September 7, running four hours each. The workshops will focus on “the specific way that racism manifests through White Fragility.” (The city website defines “white fragility” as “the inability for white people to tolerate racial stress.”) Each workshop also “provides the perspectives and skills needed for white people to have more constructive cross-racial interactions.”
I am aware that all this stems from the education process in our nation now. It’s been being taught for years now and has been accepted as the norm. Watching the young Bernie supporters with their blind loyalty, and not even knowing the roots of his ideology are a cause for concern down the road, but in the mean time we can only try to offer a rational alternative.
Reminds me of the definition of Democracy , two lions and a sheep deciding on what’s for lunch.
What do you think?