Two Hellfire Missiles Being Sent to Portland Oregon Seized By Serbia


Two missiles in crates were found as they had come off one plane and were to be transferred to another plane, when the bomb sniffing dogs at the airport found the two crates.  Lebanese officials say that the bombs are not armed and were being used for training and were on their way back to the manufacturer, probably, Lockheed Martin.  There has not been any confirmation that the bombs were innate.  The fact that these were being sent by commercial airlines is troubling.

I find other things troubling about this arrangement.  According to Lebanese officials, the entire process is above board and that the US knows about and approved the training.  But what bothers me is that Lebanon is the home of Hezbollah and they could easily gain access and the sponsor of Hezbollah is Iran, with supplies to the terrorist group being transported through Syria.  Hellfire missiles would be one heck of a terrorist tool.

Here is a diagram of a Hellfire missile:

Warhead: The Lebanese army says that the missile was shipped in accordance 'with administrative and legal measures,' but Serbian officials are continuing to investigate

And here is a video of the carnage a Hellfire missile is capable of:

From The Daily Mail:

Hellfire missiles have been built by Lockheed Martin since 1974 and were originally created to destroy armored targets such as tanks, although the company also builds a modified version that can be used for drone strikes on individuals.

They can be used air-to-surface or surface-to-surface and have a maximum range of five miles. They are usually laser-guided, although one ‘fire and forget’ variant homes in on radar signals.

This isn’t the first time a Hellfire has been transported on a passenger plane – or spooked authorities.

One of the missiles arrived in Cuba by mistake in 2014 and was retrieved last month by U.S. officials and Lockheed Martin representatives, Reuters reported.

Cuba said it had arrived by mistake on a commercial flight from Paris.