
Scott Foval who was caught on video by James O’Keefe explaining how his group used operatives to try to create violence at Trump rallies so Hillary could claim his supporters are crazed maniacs.  Foval has been fired, but not for creating violence.  He was fired for pointing out that the money for the disruptions came from Hillary Clinton using the DNC to launder the money.  He said:

“The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the shit.”

Americans United For Change announced the firing and said that they are as pure as the driven snow:

“Americans United For Change has always operated according to the highest ethical and legal standards. Scott Foval is no longer associated with Americans United for Change.”

Foval also admitted that the 73 year old man arrested for an incident in Asheville, NC was actually a victim of one of his operatives.  The video actually proved that the man was innocent but the county prosecutor is a rock ribbed liberal.  With that admission, the man should have had the charges dropped against him and the woman should be rotting in a jail cell but in this election year with a Clinton running for office, no criminal act is too big for the liberals to use.

From The Conservative Tribune:

In the video, Foval is seen bragging about his coordination with the Hillary campaign and Democrat National Committee, something that’s extremely illegal for political action committees to do.

”We are contracted directly with the DNC and the campaign. I am contracted to (Robert Creamer) but I answer to the head of special events for the DNC and the head of special events and political for the campaign. Through Bob. We have certain people who do not get to talk to them, at all,” Foval said.

He also discussed inciting violence at Trump rallies, although he seemed to be more careful to emphasize that the Clinton campaign had plausible deniability in terms of inciting violence.