Just for fun, how do you entertain your pet chameleon? Tiny Bubbles! Watch!
Check out these top headlines you may have missed.
Here’s How Republicans Are Going To Distract You While They Pass The Iran Nuclear Deal
The world is about to become vulnerable to the most unstable and irrational political force in existence. The Obama administration just sanctioned the most dangerous arms deal possible with Iran and it awaits approval from a Republican congress. This Republican congress has […]
Ted Cruz Eviscerates Obama’s Iran/Nuke Deal
In a statement released, yesterday, by his campaign, Ted Cruz completely disemboweled the nuclear deal made by the Obama administration. He lambasted Barack Obama’s apparent promotion of a deal at any cost, suggesting the evidence lies within the agreement’s details. Western Journalism reported more […]
St. Louis Cop Shot In Ambush – Demonstrators Gloat
St. Louis was the scene of another shooting involving a police officer, today. The only difference with this incident was the officer was the target and the shooting was an ambush. The St. Louis Post Dispatch outlines the events of the shooting and […]
Macy’s Learns A Hard Lesson When Messing With Trump
It would seem that crossing the Donald is a little more damaging than anticipated by one of the major corporations that decided to slap him on the hand for his anti-illegal-immigrant comments. Macy’s thought that publicly denouncing his comments and cutting ties […]
California Left-Wing Lunacy, Tom Selleck, Sarah Palin And Water
There’s egg all over the face of the California Calleguas Municipal Water District in Ventura County. After spending more than $20,000 to investigate the water usage of Tom Selleck, filing a law suit against him for “stealing” water for his avocado farm, it […]