• September 7, 2024

[VIDEO] Ted Cruz Not Going Gently Into That Good Night? Is There Another Plan?

Ted Cruz is not going gently into that good night. He’s not releasing his delegates and he’s also spending every last effort to keep his name in the media, even though he has suspended his campaign. Is there a grand plan?

Sen. Ted Cruz ran a presidential campaign over the last eight months that had a lot of ups and downs with highs and lows. Many felt he probably would still be in the race if he is had a larger broader message for the American people, while some felt after Iowa he turned a lot of voters off with what happened with the Dr. Ben Carson situation.

The video below doesn’t speak to those things. The video speaks more to his base in a way that I haven’t seen before from losing candidate. In my opinion, Cruise has tested the limelight Anna is intoxicated with it. As of the presidential candidates who left the race and suspended their campaigns quietly went back to work that’s not what you seeing in the video below.

The title of the video is called no regrets. There’re many things that happened, some not so good and if his final message is no regrets, that could turn some people off.

From The Hill:

A teary-eyed Ted Cruz is hinting that he’s leaving the door open for another White House bid in a newly released video titled “No regrets.”

The 5-minute video opens with a campaign staffer asking if the Cruz camp made it “through this without regrets.”

“This is nearly a regret-free campaign,” he says. “Ted Cruz didn’t lose. Our campaign for president lost.”

Cruz, with tear-filled eyes, says what the campaign accomplished “is frankly insane” because “nobody thought we had a prayer.”


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