Virginia High Schoolers Ordered To Comply With Sharia Law Assignment

It is not surprising to see this story, it is easy to connect the dots. This trickles down from the Obama administration. The man has had 8 years to place his minions in propers departments throughout the bureaucracy. Parts of Virginia are quite affluent with gov’t workers, and will follow instructions to maintain their personal life styles. It is not a surprise to see an attempt to implant Sharia Law into the culture. But there are also Americans in the area that like their culture as is.

According to AmericanFreedomfighters:

School children in Riverbeds High School in Virginia were instructed to write the Islamic shahada or “statement of faith” as part of their world geography class. Cheri LaPorte defended her actions claiming she was only trying to teach children about calligraphy.So are we to believe that you randomly chose “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah?” Give us all a break. These liberal scumbags can’t even tell a good lie. It WAS an intentional attempt to indoctrinate our children to the EVILS OF ISLAM!This lady should be fired for this unethical behavior. She won’t be though. No chance in hell.

This is my complaint with Public Schooling. How do teachers go home at night knowing what they are attempting to do? Have they been totally indoctrinated that it seems right to them? Did they forget their country’s history, or for that matter ever taught? Or are they scared to stand up for what is right, hence losing their positions and forfeiting  their government checks? That is sad if that’s the case. And you wonder why Home Schooling is on the rise. I’m not sorry to say I have lost much respect for the teaching profession when it comes to people like this. What do you think should happen to Ms.LaPorte?

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