On Friday, tapes with Trump talking explicitly about a woman was released. On Sunday, Trump totally destroyed Hillary Clinton in their debate. But the interesting thing is Paul Ryan’s top adviser, Dan Senor was pushing the tape like mad. Senor is a charter member of the #NeverTrump club. Speculation is making it’s way around that it was Senor, who released the tape. Certainly he used Twitter to push the narrative and drive a wedge between Trump and his protege, Paul Ryan.
.@dansenor Writing about #BillyBush tapes, hearing your wife (ex NBC) got a hold of tapes and you pushed the story for your boss. Comment?
I spoke with a reporter tonight who believes the reports are true. It was GOP elites who released the audio to the Washington Post.
Dan Senor has been pushing the WaPo audio all day. He is determined to keep the story alive.
And he’s a Republican?
Note to media: if interviewing Trump surrogates today, focus q’s on tape. Besides Rudy, these surrogates were all hiding over the weekend1/2
Now Trump surrogates magically appear b/c debate wasn’t a disaster. You shld intv them abt the tape, as though the debate never occurred 2/2
This is outrageous.