Washington College Students Demand Total Control of School



I knew this would happen when they refused to drug test applicants for school.  The students at Western Washington University (WWU) have handed the administration a list of demands that should get them laughed off the campus or locked up in a safe place somewhere that no one can ever find.  For starters, they want to be able to fire any professor who teaches anything they don’t like and to fire any campus police personnel who hassle them when they are drunk or drugged up.  No, seriously.  It’s one of their demands although they don’t actually come out and say why.  They call it microaggression.

They also demand the start of a new college, the  College of Power and Liberation.  They demand a new building be built and that a minimum of 10 full time faculty members.  They also want the university to spend 50k on an opening event to celebrate the new college.  The student organization needs to change their name.  Currently, it’s Student Assembly for Power and Liberation (SAPL).  I think they should call themselves Student Assembly for Power and Security (SAPS).  Just a suggestion.

When SAPS were asked about where the massive amount of money for the new college would come from, they say that’s the university’s job.  Finally, something they don’t want to be in charge of.  If I were the administrator of that college I would announce that the new college would be built and that tuition was being raised 40% in order to pay for it.  That would calm them down a bit.

Here are a couple more of their demands:


  • The group uses the word “persxn” instead of “person,” presumably in the belief that the latter is overly gendered because it contains the word “son.” Notably, “son” and “person” have unrelated etymologies. Similarly, they use the word “hxstory” instead of “history” to evade using the syllable “his.”
  • Financial reimbursement in the form of tuition refunds for students who suffer “institutional and administrative violence” at WWU.
  • A special $45,000 fund to finance students engaging in “de-colonial work” on campus

The SAPS demand that their list of non negotiable reforms be put into place by the end of this semester.



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