US-born radical Shaykh Hamza Sodagar,who has dubbed non-Muslims “kuffars” and released a video detailing “one of five ways” to kill homosexuals, is speaking at the Islamic Republic of Iran School in London which started on October 4 and runs until October 12. We all know by now the Muslim mindset in regards to Sharia Law. My question is, why is this man allowed to speak such hate in London with absolutely no repercussions?
Website The Muslim Group says Sodagar is “deemed a role model by young Muslims around the world” as he has travelled around the world, spreading his message of what it means to be a Muslim. The event he is speaking at is organised by the Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission group, which also gave the radical preacher a platform in 2014.
Watch it here:
In this depraved video, Sodagar details different “punishments” for homosexuals, calling for their beheading and for them to be set on fire. He also advocates throwing gay people off cliffs, tearing down walls on top of homosexuals and even suggests killing them by combining each method. Is it not fascinating this madness is supported by the Democrat Administration because it is not condoned, but a Christian just practicing his or her faith and does not believe in homosexuality is branded a bigot or homophobe.
Isn’t it strange that this madness is supported by the democratic administration and not condoned? However, a Christian just practicing his or her faith and does not believe in homosexuality is branded a bigot or homophobe.
What do you think?