[WATCH] Liberals Now Pulling “Offensive” Womens Purses From Store Shelves and Potentially The Whole U.S Market
Image Has been Blurred as to not cause offense to any Facebook Followers…. A purse has caused quite a frenzy at stores in New York City.
That’s because this particular accessory has something on the front, which some people say looks so real it could be mistaken for an actual weapon, WNBC-TV reported.
Here’s a blurred image:
Not sure what it is? Well, here’s the clear picture:
“If I saw a woman walking down the street with this purse I might look at her and say, ‘Oh my god, that girl has a gun in her bag,’” customer Natalia Perez said.
Perez said that especially in the wake of Ferguson and the still-evolving situation there, “this is just not the message you want to send to young women to just go out and look cute with a gun in their purse. That looks crazy.”
A customer first spotted the purse at the New York City-area clothing store chain Easy Pickins. That patron’s complaint led WNBC-TV to investigate.
Store operations head Fernando Cacoillo said he didn’t even know about the bag in question because outside vendors are the ones who actually stock the stores. He’s ordered more than 20 stores to pull it from their shelves.
“I would go out to the manufacturer of this handbag and have them take it off the market completely,” Cacoillo added.
It’s currently unclear who the manufacturer of the purse is or whether it will continue production despite the controversy.
Watch WNBC’s local report below to hear what other customers had to say:
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