I wasn’t going to write about this. I was trained as an attorney and I am skeptical by nature, and so I generally don’t like to write about things that I can’t prove. But in the case of this bizarre winged creature, a couple of factors changed my mind. First of all, we actually have physical evidence which has been scientifically tested. When it comes to things like this, people are always crying out for some real physical evidence, and now we have some. Of course, the existence of evidence does not mean that we can necessarily find answers to all of our questions, but at least we have something to work with. Secondly, a highly respected researcher named L.A. Marzulli has spent a great deal of time extensively investigating this case. I have personally interacted with L.A. Marzulli, and I have followed his work for years, and so I know how credible he is.
Earlier today, I visited L.A. Marzulli’s blog, and I was astounded by what I saw. There in living color was a bizarre winged creature that doesn’t bear any resemblance to any animal that science currently knows about. You can view it for yourself on his blog right here.
L.A. Marzulli did not personally discover this creature. Rather, it was originally discovered on the side of a highway by a 13-year-old Mexican boy who didn’t know what it was. He ultimately turned it over to a well known Mexican investigative journalist named Jaime Maussan. Since that time this creature has been x-rayed, and the x-rays enabled researchers to see that the creature possessed a full skeletal structure. The x-rays even showed that the creature’s left leg had been broken at one point. In addition, DNA testing was done, and the DNA did not match any known animal.
This amazing discovery is featured in L.A.’s new documentary entitled “Watchers 10“, and a 9-minute clip featuring analysis of this creature has been posted to YouTube right here…