WATCH This Touching Moment When Cleveland Police Officer Joins Group Praying for Peace
Safety is at the forefront of many minds following recent events in Dallas, Baton Rouge, France and Kansas City, particularly as national party conventions take place. But another message is shining forth from Cleveland and the Republican National Convention.
One of the most touching moments from the RNC so far came when a Cleveland police officer joined a small group of people to pray for peace during a week that may include some fireworks. The impromptu moment, which occurred ahead of the convention kick-off, was caught on video:
“God bless you, bro” and “What a beautiful day!” were among the comments from participants.
One young man carried a sign saying “Love Your Neighbor.” He said he “felt a sudden urge” to pray with the police officer. He said the officer, who’s from an area where the young man used to reside, approached the group. He said the officer “described his agreement with the (“Campaign of Love”) message.” The young man says he was inspired man to pray for the officer and with the officer.
H/T: Conservative Videos