Leave it to the establishment GOP to throw a childish temper tantrum when things don’t go quite the way they want them to, but name calling? Well, going after Trump isn’t enough. They’re going after Trump supporters, too. Nice.

His rivals are jealous, as he is leading all the polls and dominating every news cycle… every – single – day.

Now, a prominent GOP strategist Rick Wilson, who is based in Florida, went to the pages of liberal Politico to insult Trump and criticize the millions of conservative Republicans who now support his Presidential campaign.

The shameful piece is called “Trump Voters Are Hillary’s New Best Friends” and lists why Trump supporters are bad for the Republican party.

He calls Trump fans “one-issue voters” and opines:

[Supporting Donald Trump for President] is an ideological train-wreck of epic proportions if you care about any conservative values.

He assumes that Trump’s bold positions on the economy and illegal aliens will turn off too many voters, ensuring the election of Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Wilson concludes:

The circus is almost over.

My advice to Trump fans?

Don’t be the last clown out of the tent.

Let the mud slinging begin. I think it may just backfire on them. Sticks and stones, Republicans. Sticks and stones.

The Political Insider contributed to this post.

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