• September 8, 2024

Woman Shares Photo Of Man Masturbating In Public, And Police Catch Him

Justice was served to a man publicly touching himself on a train, thanks to a picture Camille Regnier posted to her Facebook page.

The 21-year-old actress was riding the Paris Métro when she noticed the man standing above her.

Camille snapped a picture and posted it to Facebook as part of a rant about this all-too-frequent situation.

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The post, originally written in French, reportedly said,

When he was masturbating, the guy was staring at me in the window of the metro, not directly at me. Damn it. Yesterday, I was assaulted in the metro by some assh*le, he was so close to me I grabbed him by the neck and today!!! I was watching a video on my phone and I saw him masturbating when I looked up! I talked to him, he said nothing, and ran away. WHAT THE F*CK IS YOUR PROBLEM???? Yesterday I was wearing jeans and boots and today I was wearing a long skirt… I never make eye contact with them. What’s wrong with respect?? Is it because that I’m a woman that I have to experience your evil perversity every day? I’m tired of living in this city.

After the story began to go viral, Regnier said she received private messages from other women who told her stories about being in similar situations.

Read more here at Elite Daily 

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