Senate Doxxing Traced back to Maxine Waters’ Office…She Denies It Three GOP Senators were doxxed on Wikipedia, that included their home addresses and telephone numbers. Mad Maxie has called for…
Maxine Waters Seen Tumbling Head First Down Capitol Building Steps [PHOTOS] This walk down memory lane should make you feel good after all the times she wanted to impeach Trump even…
Even MSNBC is Mocking the Democrats Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters Maxine Waters is not the craziest person in the world but she is definitely in the top two. recently, she…
Maxine Waters Suffers Major Brain Fart During Rant on Korea [VIDEO] Maxine Waters suffered a major brain fart as she ranted about North Korea and how President Trump refused to bend…
Latino Trump Supporter Running Against Maxine Waters [VIDEO] Omar Navarro is the Republican challenger to Maxine Waters for Congressional Seat of the 43rd District. He says he was…
Watch a Compilation of the Dumbest Things Maxine Waters Has Uttered [VIDEO] Maxine Waters isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box. She’s not the most ethical either. After helping Bill Clinton win…
Multiple News Sources Claims Maxine Waters Was Punked By Russian Comedians [AUDIO] RT, LiveLeak and the Gateway Pundit are all posting stories that Maxine Waters was fooled by two Russian hoaxers who…
Maxine Waters Criticizes Russia For Invading Korea [VIDEO] People who are overweight sometimes hang out with really fat people to give people the mistaken belief that they are…
Maxine Waters on Trump…Angry and Incoherent [VIDEO] Maxine Waters is always ignorant but recently she took her stupidity to a whole new level. First, she said it’s…
Maxine Waters Seen Tumbling Head First Down Capitol Building Steps [PHOTOS] Maxine Waters took a hard tumble down 5 or 6 steps at the Capitol Building as she was going to…
Dems Protesting Trump Certification Causes Ryan to Break Out Laughing [VIDEO] Joe Biden was getting frustrated as he had to oversee the certification of the elections. Biden told the democrats outright…
[VIDEO] Maxine Waters Finds Problems With Dems..They’re Too Nice..WTH For years, Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee have vied for the title of most ignorant legislator in Congress, with…
Maxine Waters and Daughter Rake in Big $$ In Endorsement Payments You’ve hear of the Gambino family, and the Bonnano family and even the Corleone family. Now, you are about to…
Maxine Waters and Daughter Rake in Big $$ In Endorsement Payments You’ve hear of the Gambino family, and the Bonnano family and even the Corleone family. Now, you are about…