• May 5, 2024

George W. Bush Is Vindicated Again As The Liberal Narrative Continues To Collapse

George W Bush has been vindicated once again about chemical weapons and WMDs in Iraq.  Last month, US forces captured an ISIS WMD maker by the name of Sleiman Daoud al-Afari.  After his capture, Iraqi two officials both identified al-Afari as Saddam’s as an employee of Saddam’s   Military Industrialization Authority, working specifically on chemical and biological weapons.  Because of his vast experience, ISIS put him in charge of chemical and biological weapon research and development.

This is a major blow to the liberal’s narrative that Bush lied in order to steal oil from the Iraqi people and benefit his Big Oil Buddies.  This comes on the heels of the discovery during the war of 550 metric tons of yellowcake and a large number of missiles loaded with sarin gas.  I am surprised you missed these stories in the mainstream press.  (Removes tongue from cheek)  550 metric tons of yellowcake is enough to make into over 100 nuclear bombs.

It is believed that al-Afari was captured last month and is still undergoing interrogation over his role with ISIS and questions about their progress as well as whether any weapons have been developed and distributed throughout the caliphate.  They have gotten tough with al-Afari.  They even threatened him.  “If you don’t tell us what we want to know, we will be forced to appoint you a lawyer from the ACLU.”

Former and current experts in the field claim that at best ISIS could only pull off a big enough to act as a show of things to come and could not possibly pull off a major attack.  Of course, experts towards the end of Bush’s second term swore Iraq had no way of developing a nuclear weapon and a report from democrat Mr. Valerie Plame, aka Joe Wilson who claimed Saddam had never attempted to buy yellowcake.

This latest revelation will make no difference to liberals and their lapdogs in the media who will continue to insist that Bush lied about WMDs.

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